So I think everyone knows about my obcession with Twilight by now, but if you don't...I am addicted! It's really quite sad, but I don't care. I love the books! I just get engrossed in them and can't seem to get enough of them. I know I am 25 years old...and married...but I have embraced my Twilighter heart and proclaim is proudly! Yes! That means that I wear my Twilight T-shirt to Twilight movie premiers!
Anyway. Loved the movie! It was a great adaptation of the book. While there a few things I missed, I left very satisfied with the way things turned out. When I went home over Christmas, you could see it for $5 if you went before we did...5 more times which brings my total to 6. That's kid's stuff compared to my mom and Michaela, but I tried. Plus it just made for great mother-daughter-sister bonding.