Does anyone else find this hilarious? I came in and busted up laughing...she is face planted and sound asleep...

Too cute!

Trying out the new shades that mom bought for out NYC summer!

just makes me giggle...

She and daddy always have tons of fun together...she is really good at making sure he doesn't get a nap...

She will sit there and talk to him and tell him all kinds of stories...I wish I could understand what she was trying to tell us. She gets so animated while she's talking.

She is truly the happiest baby I've ever met! And can I just say that the exersaucer is the best invention for mothers! Or at least one of the best!

I'm a sucker for bows!
She is sooo Gorgeous. and getting so big. We miss you guys and hope you are doing well.
so why is Bryant always so tired? it's not like he has a hard job or anything...
p.s. thanks for all the updates. your Emma is a doll. keep the pictures coming.
Yes, exersaucers are awesome! It's really great to be a mom this day and age!
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