Thursday, June 4, 2009

The first bun is in the oven!

So, I know this comes really, really late! But I'm prego and due September 26th. We are having a girl, which those of you who know me, know that I couldn't be more excited! I am having all kinds of fun shoping for clothes, making dresses and have even planned out a cute little cocktail hat for the baby blessing. It's going to be tons of fun! So, I'll try and keep some updates coming to you. As of now, I'm feeling great. Just tired all the time...but that's normal. She kicks like crazy, so I've started calling her Mia (Hamm). But we are both very excited!


Alisha B. Whitman said...

Congratulations! You'll have SO much fun with a girl, I just can't imagine how good your girl's gonna look! Have fun!

Hannah said...

Wow! Congratulations! I'm glad you're feeling well, and I can't wait to see the hat!

Jacque said...

Hey Congratulations, Chelsea! We are in NYC until Sat. June 6th. My mom and dad leave on July 11th.
They still have your blanket that Cassie left. If you want to call me 480-206-3636..I can make arrangements to bring it to you. Otherwise. Call my mom Dottie 435-899-9112 and you can come get it from her before she leaves! Hope you're doing alright. Would love to see you!!

poetryinside said...

Heehee--I'm so excited for Baby Staples! And that fabulous hat...

Cait and Scott said...

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited to be an aunty!!! She is going to be spoiled like CRAZY!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA

30 year-old Dad said...

way to go Bryant! girls are the best (i know from experience) and Chelsea, i have to say you totally would have been in trouble if that last post about South Pacific also doubled as your pregnancy announcement.

also, Chris Cooper, huh? i'm guessing cousin. (the Cooper's moved into our ward a year ago or so).

Popok said...

I couldn't be happy for you two! I'd love to see more prego pictures of you. You look gorgeous!

Alys said...

Congratulations! Sean and I are expecting our first in November. We find out in less than two weeks, and I'm excited. Anyway, I am sure you are having a lot of fun. There are so many cute things for girls! Good luck!!!

lance, miss, my, & finn said...

YAY! you are getting so close!:) I LOVE having a baby girl! can't wait to meet her!:)