Monday, May 12, 2008

Some random updates

When we got married, we didn't have any knives. None. This made cooking hard, as you can imagine. Well, my dad received a set from a convention he went to and gave it to us. We had knives! Well, it's been almost four years and it was time for an upgrade. Not to mention the current knives had become more like saws than knives. Anyway, I found this fabulous set at Macy's during a one day sale. I have real knives!!! It made me so happy I had to take a picture and share it with all.

I have decided after our failure to much of anything in Utah, that we were going to live up life in New York City. I spent an entire day looking up everything that could possibly be free in the city and put it on our calendar. This doesn't include all the nature walks, museum tours, libraries, etc. This is an example of how exciting our July is going to be. There are plays, concerts, performances, movies in the parks, etc. We are going to have so much fun this summer, I can't wait! And the beautiful thing is, it's all free! I'm falling more in love with New York City everyday. If anyone's coming to visit, here's taste of things we can do!

So we've had a large black box of human bones sitting in a corner of my apartment for several months now. What fun it is to be a med student spouse! We get to house human remains. It did prove quite interesting. Those of you who have known me for a while know that I have always loved science and even wanted to be a doctor for a long time. So it wasn't too bad. But still a strange box to have in your house. Well, it's gone now. That particular class was over and so we had to give it back. But not before I snapped a few pictures of our house guests.


Cait and Scott said...

haha, bryant is such a nerd...gotta love that boy. Hope those things are things that we can do with you in July! I am sure hoping that we are going to be able to come out. I am working on it, but its looking good so far.

Unknown said...

OK, so now I want to see your July calendar . . .

MommyMert said...

Hooray for bones be gone. hehe.. Love the knives. :) And.. dang we should have done more while you were here. I am a slacker.

lauriemcmurt said...

Chelsea, that's kind of gross! You make New York look so much fun! Someday we will have to come out and see you guys. And the DC trip looked like a blast. Bear in mind though, that if we ever do make it out there, you have to do us the courtesy of living out here for your residency! Okay, you can go where ever you want but I miss you guys and dropping by for some Gilmore Girls! Love those Staples!!!