Thursday, May 15, 2008

Once's to Simon Cowell!

In case you didn't tune into American Idol last night...Simon's face says it all. A former Idol, Fantasia, stopped by to perform. We laughed and covered our mouths the whole way through it. I couldn't believe how horrible it was! It's worth going on YouTube to find. I'm sure it won't be hard, it was the internet buzz this morning. Anyway, this was a shot of Simon's face during the performance! Bryant and I were crying we were laughing so hard. I enjoyed it. Touche Simon...two nights in a row!

But on a lighter note! David Cook's going to the finals! We are going to rally the votes for next week. I don't care if you haven't been a voter thus far, we need votes this next week! Yeah for a hometown boy going after his dream.


Alisha B. Whitman said...

Ha! We totally agreed! We were horrified that such a thing could be a professional music performance!!!

MommyMert said...

Okay, I just youtubed it.. it was THAT BAD!! Ooh.. she should be so embarassed. :)